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Consulting Center

Greg Snow, Director

2152F WVB
Phone: 801-422-4199


To schedule an appointment:

Phone: 801-422-4505


What is the Center?

The Center offers statistical support to the university community while providing training to students in the Department of Statistics. The Center also promotes collaborative research between faculty members in the Department of Statistics and other disciplines that leads to joint publications.

Who can use the Center?

  • Faculty members from all departments are invited to use services offered.
  • Graduate Students are encouraged to come to the center with their adviser during the planning stages of their research. University Administrators can be advised and assisted with their projects.
  • Off-campus clients are invited to use services as well. Hourly charges apply.

What services are offered?

Assistance is given for designing experiments and survey sampling plans, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Questionnaire construction
  • Estimation of sample sizes
  • Analysis of experimental and survey data
  • Interpretation of results

Support is offered to the extent that it is needed, from statistical design of experiments to interpretation of results.

Collaboration or Co-authorship options are encouraged between BYU faculty members and faculty members from the Department of Statistics.

Is there a cost?

Everyone officially connected to BYU is entitled to two free hours of consultation. (For off campus rates, contact the Center). An additional free hour of consultation is offered to graduate students if the center is involved in the planning of their research. Cost reductions are given to graduate students when their adviser is present at the initial consultation. Charges are usually waived for collaborative research that leads to joint authorship, beyond that, an hourly fee is charged

When should you come to the Center?

The most critical time to seek the help of a statistician is in the planning stage. Data collection methods determine what statistical analyses may be performed. Therefore, correct statistical experimental and survey design ensures meaningful data analysis and reduces time and effort spent on analysis and interpretation.

Why use the Center?

The method in which data is collected determines what questions can be answered. Using accurate statistical methods enhances the credibility of your research, and proper analysis produces defensible results.