Welcome to the BYU Statistics Department’s Career Map!
This outline provides tailored resources for every stage of your statistical journey. These resources are designed to address your specific needs and goals. Discover valuable insights, advice, and tips that will help you make informed decisions, build skills, expand your network, and maximize career opportunities.
4. Prepare - Take the GRE/GMAT - Identify Writers for Letters of Recommendation
- Visit Potential Grad Schools
5. Gain Experience - Become a TA/RA
- Applicable Summer Jobs
- Part-time Jobs
- Become a Club Leader
- Join Sandbox or On-Campus Internship - Attend a Professional Conference
6. Apply - Internships
(Applications in Fall for Next Summer)
4. Gain Experience - Become a TA/RA
- Applicable Summer Jobs
- Part-time Jobs
- Become a Club Leader
- Join Sandbox
- Do an On-Campus Internship - Internships
5. Apply - Post-Graduate Opportunities
Apply/Letters of Rec.
- Graduate School:
Financial Aid