Promotion to Rank of Professor
The Department of Statistics is pleased to announce the promotion to the rank of Full Professor to Dr. Mathew Heaton and Dr. Garritt Page. Being recognized as both a teacher and scholar is one of the greatest honors and marks of trust a university can confer on a faculty member.
Dr. Page has been instrumental in his ongoing research in nonparametric Bayesian analysis, with a specific focus on partition and mixture models. His contributions continue to enrich the understanding of sports, health, and human performance data. Dr. Page has authored a total of seven articles that were either published or accepted for publication, comprising two papers in JCGS, as well as contributions to reputable journals such as Technometrics, the Annals of Applied Statistics, and Bayesian Analysis. Dr. Page's role in the department extends beyond individual achievements, as he strives to consistently enhance the research environment of the department by regularly hosting visiting faculty from across the globe and fostering new collaborations with internationally renowned scholars and colleagues at BYU. Thank you Dr. Page for all you do to raise the level of the scholarly environment in our department.
Dr. Heaton is the recent recipient of the prestigious Melvin W. Carter Professorship in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the fields of statistics, data science, and environmental science. is recognized by his students for his dedication and compassion as a teacher and research mentor. Dr. Heaton's frequent contributions to top-tier journals in these disciplines have significantly advanced knowledge and practice in the field. Dr. Heaton's invaluable mentorship and guidance provide opportunities for student-co-authored and student-primary-authored publications to the next generation of scholars. He has also spent time in the development of popular undergraduate elective courses and the new Stat 121 course has greatly enriched the statistics curriculum, offering students engaging and high-quality educational experiences. Dr. Heaton's exemplary contributions are a direct reflection of his dedication and excellence. Thank you Dr. Heaton for all of your contributions and congratulations on this well-deserved promotion.