Statistics Degree Emphases Skip to main content

Statistics Degree Emphases

Applied Statistics and Analytics

Statisticians in business find information in big data and design experiments to model, predict, and optimize business outcomes. Students who are quantitatively oriented and interested in business, government, and health are well prepared by this emphasis. The Applied Statistics and Analytics emphasis includes a greater number of statistical analysis and data management courses and fewer of the mathematics courses required for graduate study in statistics. Detailed information about program requirements can be found here.


The Biostatistics emphasis prepares students to engage in work to advance public health, biology, and medicine. It prepares students for graduate programs in statistics, biostatistics, epidemiology, public health, bioinformatics, and for health sciences professional programs. The Biostatistics emphasis includes the mathematics courses required for graduate study in statistics and biostatistics. Detailed information about program requirements can be found here.

Data Science

The Data Science emphasis is designed to help students develop skills that are needed to work on a data science team. These skills include programming, facility with data structures and algorithms, statistical methods, and experience working with real world big data problems. Students with a Data Science emphasis leave BYU with a multi-faceted, disciplined, and flexible approach to data, a rich vocabulary for working with others in data-focused disciplines, and a well-developed capacity for understanding and communicating statistical results. Detailed information about program requirements can be found here.

Statistical Science

While the Statistical Science emphasis is designed to prepare students for graduate programs, all students in the Statistical Science emphasis leave BYU with a resourceful, disciplined, and flexible approach to statistics, an enhanced capacity to analyze and interpret data, a broadened perspective on the impact of data in decision making, and a well-developed capacity for understanding and communicating statistical results. Detailed information about program requirements can be found here.